In the manufacturing industry, ASTM A240 stainless steel 304 circles are created by using advanced technology and modern tools/ equipment. The product is used widely in varied industries just because of various good features that it holds. The product is available in various grades and specifications as per the demand made by buyers. These circles are appreciated in the market for being durability, efficiency, longevity. The product is supplied to its respected buyers at reasonable rates.
Features that product hold
After it being produced by using good quality of alloy, it tends to offer several good features like-
• Corrosion resistance
• Excellent surface finishes
• Commendable dimensional accuracy
• Anti-corrosive
• Withstands easily at the greater temperature and heavy loads
• Stress corrosion cracking resistance
The industry is assuring in providing important documentation to buyers just to ensure that they are fairly deal and is delivered good quality of the product-
• Fumigation certification
• Commercial invoice
• Heat treatment chart
• Raw materials test report
• Quality assurance plan
• Packaging list
The industry is providing mill test certification in accordance with EN 10204/3.1B to its buyers.
The packaging of the product-
The product for shipping safely without causing any big harm or ruin the quality is carefully packed. The industry is using the well-defined technique for packaging like-
• Shrink-wrapped
• Wooden crates/pallets/boxes
• Carton boxes
As per the critical and engineering application demands just place the order now to Nandishwar steel and get heavy discounts.
Grade | : | Stainless Steel : 304 |
Thickness | : | 1 Mm To 100 Mm |
Diameter | : | Upto 2000 Mm |
Cutting | : | Plazma & Machined Cut |
SS 304 | S30400 | SUS 304 | Z7CN18â€09 | X5CrNi18-10 | 304S31 | 1.4301 | 08Ð¥18Ð10 |
Typical applications include : |